Saturday, February 28, 2015

Vegetable fried rice

 It is a quick recipe for Indo Chinese Vegetable Fried rice,,,


For cooking the rice:

  • 1 cup basmati rice
  • 4.5 to 5  cups water
  • ½ tsp salt or as needed
  • 2 to 3 drops of oil

For cooking the fried rice:

  • ¼ measure each of finely slashed spring onion whites/scallions, carrots, french beans, cabbage, mushrooms, capsicum or chime peppers (green, red or yellow) or around 1.5 to 2 cups finely hacked vegetables 
  • 1.5 to 2 tsp finely hacked celery, skip in the event that you don't have
  • ½ inch ginger, finely hacked (discretionary) 
  • 1 star anise/chakri phool
  • 3 tsp characteristically aged soy sauce or include as needed
  • 1 tsp rice vinegar or normal vinegar,
  • ½ tsp black pepper powder or include as needed
  • 3 to 4 little estimated garlic slashed or ¾ tsp finely hacked garlic
  • 2 to 2.5 tbsp sesame oil or some other oil
  • 2 tbsp hacked spring onions greens for embellishment or including towards the end
  • salt as needed

 To give a sweet taste to the veg seared rice, you can include a touch of tomato sauce.
To give a hot taste and flavor, you can include some red stew sauce or green bean stew sauce

How to make:

Cooking the rice:

  1. Wash rice exceptionally well till the water runs clear of starch. absorb rice in water for 30 mins. empty and keep aside.
  2. In a pot, bring to a tender heat up 4.5 to 5 cups of water with salt and 2 to 3 drops of oil.
  3. Include the drenched and emptied rice to the boiling hot water.
  4. On a low to medium fire cook the rice without the cover.
  5. At the point when the rice gets to be still somewhat firm or simply cooked, expel the pot from flame and channel the rice.
  6. You can likewise tenderly flush the rice in water with the goal that they quit cooking and don't stick to one another. cover the rice and keep aside till the rice cools totally.

Cooking the fried rice:

  1. At the point when the rice is cooling, slash the veggies finely and keep aside. keep in mind to slash the french beans finely. they take of a chance time to cook than different veggies. you can likewise  blanch them first and afterward cook. an alternate choice is to include the beans first and after that include alternate vegetables.
  2. Hotness oil in a wok or a skillet. initially include the star anise and broil for a few seconds or till the oil gets to be fragrant.
  3. Include the garlic and saute for a few seconds. no compelling reason to cocoa the garlic. at this stage, you can likewise include ginger, if you prefer.
  4. Include the spring onions whites/scallions and saute for around 2 minutes.
  5. At that point include all the finely slashed veggies including the celery. build the fire on a high and stir fry the veggies on a high fire.
  6. If you cannot can't deal with mix fricasseeing on a high fire, then stir fry on a medium fire.
  7. You need to persistently toss and mix while fricasseeing so that the veggies are consistently cooked and don't get smoldered.
  8. The veggies must be blend browned, till they are very nearly cooked but hold their crunchiness and firmness.
  9. Include the soy sauce, salt and pepper. mix rapidly and include the rice. stir fry for a couple of minutes till the sauce has covered the browned rice well. keep a check when including salt, as soy sauce has salt in it.

Serve the veg fried rice hot plain or with  vegetable sauce.

Measuring cup utilized, 1 cup = 250 ml

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